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Downloads 28
Publisher Steven Shaeffer
Size 358.2 MB
Quality 16 bit, 32 bit 44.1 kHz stereo


 Dive into the sonic future with a collection of 143 WAV files, created by Steven Schaeffer and designed to enhance the quality of your musical productions. Expand your creative palette with a variety of unorthodox and avant-garde sounds, ranging from unconventional 808 bass to distorted tonal percussion and toms, as well as claps, drums and rimshots of all genres. Included in this stock are over 30 drum loops and over 15 melody loops, each carefully composed by Stephen to ensure the highest quality and attention to detail. Each sound in this library is designed to integrate seamlessly into your workflow—just drag and drop it into your DAW to start experimenting. Embrace innovation and break free from creative boundaries with this sound pack.



142 sounds